Thursday, August 30, 2012


"Does free speech tend to move toward the truth or away from it? When does it evolve into a better collective understanding? When does it collapse into the Babel of trolling, the pointless and eristic game of talking the other guy into crying “uncle”? Is the effort to control what’s said always a form of censorship, or might certain rules be compatible with our notions of free speech?"

Interesting stuff, this. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Home Reno

I'm getting pretty sick of the dingy, beige walls in my otherwise charming apartment, so I'm using my three-day weekend to repaint. So much work after you've moved in! Fortunately since the background is so light I won't have to prime but I will 1) clean the walls with vinegar and water, 2) tape the window/door frames and 3) put down two coats.

The color I'm thinking? Grey.

Julianne Moore's Home via Emily Henderson via CasaSugar

With the glossy white paint on the two window frames, double closet doors and main door, I think it will pop like this photo. Plus, can't wait to get down to some manual labor! It's the greatest cure for boredom!