Friday, January 28, 2011

A Total Non Sequitur

Did you know that the baby-faced star of Tron: Legacy is also the rugged young man who set my heart a-flutter in Country Strong (yeah, that's right, I saw it. You wanna mess?)?? I'm still kinda in shock. Like, this guy:

Baby-faced, right?
Is also this guy:
Rugged, no?

Looking at the two pictures I still have a hard time seeing it. Behold the power of facial hair!

PS Perhaps we shouldn't discuss how disturbing it is that I found his red-necked, country singer character so attractive. I mean really, that much plaid is always a bad idea. 


  1. haha, i want to see country strong so badly!!!! it's not out here yet but once it is i'm totally there! i saw tron and loved it. he's on the cover of men's health from january looking like a total stud. he has the 5 o'clock shadow look which i think proved to be the perfect mix between the two you've posted above.

  2. Mmmm, 5 o'clock. My favorite time of day...
