Saturday, April 10, 2010

Look What I Found Today!!!

Teaspoon/Tablespoons and a giant, heatproof glass measuring cup with (wait for it...) CUP MEASUREMENTS!! Also with ounces, liters, ml, and grams for flour, rice and sugar. And it's big enough to mix in!

Other great finds today: a blue- and white-striped canvas shopping bag, hazelnut paste in a jar and powdered sugar. I'm so set! I have a secret baking project planned for tomorrow which I shall reveal next week. It's gonna be legen-(wait for it...)


  1. awesome! i can't totally relate with that ecstatic feeling of finding what you're looking for in a foreign country. why is it so difficult to track down things that seem like they should be relatively easy to find?

  2. I think Switzerland is magical, I have found so much amazing stuff in the grocery store here. Like buttermilk and cream cheese - which means so many recipes are within reach! The only weird thing is that you can only find some things in some places. I still can't believe I found a glass cup with American measurements on it AND measuring spoons. Bless international community!
