Thursday, April 1, 2010

Joy's Chocolate Fudge Brownies

For some reason I've been dying to make something delicious and chocolately the past couple of days, so when I read Joy the Baker's latest blog post on the cooking your way into a man's heart via brownies, I decided it was time to do something about it. My dear friend Sammy is always making orgasmic faces at my cooking and telling me I'm a straight man's dream but I've never found that to be the case. Maybe I just haven't found quite the right recipe yet?

This recipe from Joy is fabulous and very, very easy. I almost wish it hadn't been so easy and inviting looking, because now I have a plateful of brownies (four in my stomach) and a flight to France tomorrow. Shall I take the brownies with and try to charm my way into the hearts of my fellow travelers? Could the man of my dreams finally be seated next to me on an airplane? Seriously, I fly so frequently how is it I've never been seated near a decent guy? The universe works in mysterious ways...

 Take note that my brownies came out almost too fudgey--the middle was barely set! They tasted pretty incredible with some Swiss chocolate broken up in them though.

Joy's Easy Fudge Brownies to win the heart of a man who will treat you right

1 2/3 cups (350 ml + one package of vanilla sugar) Sugar

3/4 cup (180 ml) Cocoa powder

3/4 cup (170 g) Butter

2 Tbsp. (30 ml) strong coffee

2 Large Eggs

1 1/3 cups (315 ml) Flour

1/2 tsp. (2.5 ml) baking powder

1/4 tsp. (just a pinch!) salt

Coarsely chopped chocolate bar (or chocolate chips if you're state-side)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (or 175 C). Grease and flour a 10 in cake pan. Combine the butter and cocoa in a bowl of simmering water to melt, add the coffee. Whisk eggs and sugar together in a bowl. When the butter/chocolate mixture is melted and mixed, mix it with the eggs and sugar. Stir in the flour, baking powder and salt, mix until combined and add the chocolate bits. Pour into a pan and cook for 18-25 min.

A little note: I may have gotten the European proportions off because my brownies were really undercooked in the middle, even after a half an hour in the oven. They were still sinfully delicious but were not perfect. My standards have clearly slipped now that I'm only cooking for myself.

France tomorrow!

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